Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"Bruce and Elspeth Visit......"

Madison neighborhood friends, Bruce and Elspeth, came to visit us last Friday.  They arrived early evening and in time for all of us to go to the Karlin Inn.  Don, Elspeth, and I all had their well known Friday/Saturday night fish fry, and Bruce tried their chicken sandwich, which he found delicious.

After a somewhat leisurely Saturday morning of coffee drinking, chatting, and breakfast, we took off in the car to show them the sites.  :)  Our first stop was at The Grand Traverse Commons, where we walked through the Mercato, stopping in a fur shop when Bruce saw this Badger hat.  Being a Wisconsinite, he is immediately drawn to anything with a badger involved.  ;)

Then a walk across the commons to Left Foot Charley (http://www.leftfootcharley.com) where we sat and had a hard cider or wine.

Bruce is a beer home brewer so we thought he might enjoy checking out "Bad Teacher Brewing Supply" (http://badteacherbrewing.com), where Don and I took our "Beginning Brewing " class last weekend.  Yes, we are going to try home brewing.  I will, of course, be posting about that experience when it happens.  ;)

After Don and I picked up a few more things to add to our brewing equipment (that we bought last week after our class), we drove to "Right Brain Brewery" (http://www.rightbrainbrewery.com).

We got to the brewery a bit earlier than when we were to meet Russell, the owner, so made ourselves comfortable out on their patio with a flight of beer.  :)  Here I am with Elspeth and the flight of beers.  ;)

Bruce had met Russell while working with him at "The Taste of the Midwest", a huge beer festival in Madison.  He had called Russell when he knew their visiting dates and made arrangements to come visit him at the brewery on Saturday.  Russell was a great guy and took us on a guided tour of his facility.

We enjoyed the playful barriers surrounding Right Brain Breweries patio.

After leaving Right brain Brewery, we then took Elspeth and Bruce to one of our favorite places to eat in Traverse City.  You've heard this before, but here it is again.....Sleder's (http://sleders.com), one of the oldest, if not THE oldest, taverns in TC.

That concluded day 1 of Bruce and Elspeth's visit.  Day 2 was expected to be pretty full as well.  :)

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