Friday, April 25, 2008

"Last Sunday's Ride....."

After arriving home from Michigan last Sunday, Don and I took a bike ride. It truly was a bike ride, rather than a trike ride that day. Don rode his 2 wheeled recumbent and I rode my 2 wheeled upright bike. I need to build up stamina on the "little" seat verses the larger, comfy, trike seat. Things went pretty well in that department. :)

We stopped at Olin Park's boat launch and took this photo. We "think" the guy was loading pier pieces on the boat to be taken to another spot, somewhere along the shores of Lake Monona.

Here is Don riding along one of the entrances into/onto(?) Monona Terrace.

and me.....standing still for the "photo op".

There was a collegiate bike race around Capitol Square. Last year it happened to be the men's race we'd been up there to watch, and this year we watched a women's event.

It was such a beautiful day that Don took this montage from our deck. Interesting, no? :) (click for a larger photo)


Molly Bee said...

Yikes! There is nothing worse than the first case of 'Bike Butt' of the spring. I'm missing it this spring because of the cast. I'll have to do double duty to get back to comfortable riding when all of this stuff is done!

Barb said...

I love the montage! That's a technique I'll definitely have to experiment with. I'll check in with Don on the software...