A group shot taken by our server: left to right.....Angela, Andy, Michael, Anna, Don, myself, Charlie, and Rob.

Rob was in a more talkative mood than usual. We all have agreed that Charlie was a saint that night........she took Rob in stride and let him talk, talk, talk. :) As you can see from the look of consternation on Don's face, Rob's conversation "might" have been a bit "out of the ordinary". Evidently, even more so than usual. :)

Michael and Anna....

Angela and Andy with Michael "acting up". :) That is "Ocean" (behind the red/black print) peaking through Angela's coat.

Andy disappeared a number of times and we found out later from Angela that one of those times he told our server it was my birthday celebration. Our server surprised me/us with this cake, and yes, the candle was lit.....but I take my wish making...... "seriously" :) Those from the neighborhood will understand the "seriously" pun......

Looked like you guys had a wonderful time at Pasqual's...seriously!
Looks like you had fun. We have a Pasqual's in Verona but I've only been once. I never think of it.
The sheer volume of the stickers I've added to my new best friend actually makes it heavier than the 8,000# is normally weighs I think! :-)
Happy belated birthday, Mike!
Sara, Travis and Jonas
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