Originally, my sister had planned a visit with them to go kayaking, spend the night, kayak more the next day, and then head back down state, while I stayed at her place (located next to my parents house), taking care of her animals. Since rain was predicted for the weekend, she'd changed plans, suggesting we go up on Friday (the weather being beautiful), haul the big items that Patrick wanted from our parents house, as well as her kayak, and make it a dual purpose visit, albeit a quick one, which we did. :) It was a good time and an unexpected bonus to my trip to MI.
My cousin Jill, from Grand Rapids, MI, had planned on coming down to Benton Harbor while I was there, so that we could visit and go out to lunch. Unfortunately, that did not happen as she contracted bronchitis. When I talked with her, she sounded horrible, but she'd been on antibiotics for a day, and was on the mend, so hopefully, is completely well as I write this. :)
I did take another "planned" trip while in MI, and drove up to Great Northern Weaving Supply (http://www.greatnorthernweaving.com/). I'd read about it in one of the Yahoo weaving groups digests that I receive. After going to their web site, I found that they were located just north of Kalamazoo, MI, a mere 45 minute drive from my families home! If anyone has the opportunity to go there, definitely do! They are very nice and extremely helpful. I bought some "loopers" to weave a rug, which are by-products from the sock industry, and some chenille, with which my plan is weave a throw, using double weave. All in good time, of course...... ;)
Now...back to our Rainbow Fleece Farm visit.
These blankets are woven using their fleece/yarn by a company in Canada. The blue is so vibrant and electric! I hope that comes through in the photo.

Some of their rovings...... They had many, many more, but Don took this photo for it's brightness, and after all......we were at Rainbow Fleece Farm. :)

This is Joan, from Madison, who showed how to make custom color blended wool roving batts(?), using a drum carding machine. In the photo, she is showing how to remove it from the drum.

A close up of the drum......

Some batts on display.....

More to follow..... :)
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