The day before, I had written that Don had changed the tubes in both tires because they were not holding air, the 2nd (front) about 3 miles out from Iron Bridge. After arriving at the motel, he noticed that his back tire was beginning to soften , so he changed it again, this time changing both tube and putting on a new tire. Afterwards, he closely inspected the old tire and found bits of glass embedded in it. Now the debate was to change the front tire and tube, too, or wait and see if it held it's air overnight. He decided to wait and see........ It was a little soft in the morning but not enough in Don's opinion to change it, so he began the day's ride, trusting that it would be fine.
We ended the day with it raining harder than it had all day, with it continuing into the night, but by morning, it had stopped and was just overcast. We noticed that it was cooler though, more so than the morning before in the Soo. The photo below gives you some idea as to the "shoulder" of the road that he rode on for most of the Trans Canada Highway, although this seems wider to me than it was in other areas. Must be my anxiety of those days coming through.... :)

This is one of many small waterfalls along the route.

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