This was taken on Manitoulin Island, outside the village of Sheguiandah. It is the Indian church, next to a tribal council gathering area. Unfortunately, I don't know anymore than that, and took the photo because I liked the building.

I took this from another rest area/car park, which was located up on a high bluff, overlooking Sheguiandah Bay, where during nicer weather, one would be able to see much further. I still thought it was a spectacular view, and now I have a little historical information, too. :) Notice the little bit of color in the leaves?

This small waterfall was located right next to the road, but in order for me to be able to get this shot, I had to drive further along the highway and backtrack on a side road, hoping that it would take me back to the waterfall. I got there in time to see Don ride by and wave. :)

The weather had gotten better the further south we went. Better in that it was no longer raining, although still overcast. When we arrived in South Baymouth, where we would catch the ferry the next morning, the sun actually came out, which made the clouds seem even darker and more thunderous looking.
We got to see the ferry, The Chi-Cheemaun, come in to take it's last trip for the night..... arriving, unloading, loading again, and turning around to go back to Tobermory, on the mainland. Notice the bright patch of sunlight on the trees behind the stern of the ship?

South Baymouth was, to say the least, a little touristy. :) Our motel was located directly across from the dock where the ship came in and departed from, so we had watched the line up of passengers and their cars the night before when we were unpacking. All of the souvenir gift shops and restaurants were within quick walking distance from the vehicles of the passengers. This "line up time", of course, was the busiest time for the shops, as we soon saw after the ship left. Were we any different? Not really, although the next morning I did stay with the car because we'd already gone though enough of the shops the night before. :)
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