Monday, September 9, 2013

"Sunday of Labor Day Weekend......."

Patrick, Julie, and Abigail drove back up Sunday morning to join Claire, Don, and me for brunch at Hofbrau's, here in Interlochen.

First a family photo, minus Sean due to his working, and Don since he was taking the photo.

Hofbrau's brunch was delicious and we all enjoyed it very much.  As we got to our cars, Patrick mentioned that one of our cars tail lights was out, so we drove to the local auto supply store where we picked up a bulb and he installed it for us!  Love that boy!

Our next stop was at the Interlochen Farmers Market, which is held each Sunday.  Abigail was enjoying herself, looking around with Aunt Claire by her side.

There "might" be a slight resemblance between Father and Son, eh?  ;)

We stopped and talked to a woman who was "twining".  I, of course, thought it was pretty interesting and she was very happy to explain the process.

While we were with the "Twiner", Abigail and Aunt Claire were being entertained by a local clown.......literally.  ;)

She was a very nice clown, not silly or scary (I'm not a clown fan AT ALL!) and she made Abigail a small dog out of balloons.

After leaving the farmers market, we headed for the County Park so Abigail could have some playtime before the kids had to head home.  I will write about that tomorrow morning.  :)

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