This past Friday, Don and I drove down to Iowa City, IA, for the weekend, to attend the annual Jazz Festival. We stayed at the Brown Street Inn, which we HIGHLY recommend if any of you or anyone you know come to Iowa City and need a place to stay. More about the Inn in another post.....

One of the local sites one needs to see while in Iowa City is the "Black Angel". The cemetery is only a few blocks from the B&B, so heading out on our bikes Saturday morning, we made it our 1st destination of our bike ride.
As you can see, it is no small monument!
And yes, even I had to have my photo taken with it.
We were struck by the many unusual tombstones, and Don took a few photos. ;)
Not all were tombstones, but just there for enjoyment......
Unusual and a bit erie, in "my" opinion........
This is one of our favorites! You'll understand why after reading the inscription in the next photo.
True words of wisdom! (double click the photo to enlarge)
As beautiful as this is, it is also a sad one. This is a new mausoleum for babies......
While Don was walking around snapping photos, I decided to make myself useful and water some of the potted plants that were in desperate need of a drink. Although the day was not quite as warm (HOT!!!) as the day before, everything was parched. Friday had been EXTREMELY HOT, with the temperature hitting 94 degrees here in Iowa City. We were quite lucky to have a continuous breeze to help keep us somewhat cooler while sitting at the festival. As you can imagine.......shade was a MUST. ;) Our bike ride took place with the temperature in mid 80's. It was cool by comparison. ;)
After Don was finished taking photos and I hung the last basket back on its hanger, we rode out of the cemetery and headed to Hickory Hill, a park that Don spent a lot of time in while attending college here in the late 1960's and early 1970's.
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