This is the 1st pair of socks that I was able to complete on my NZAK. Ironically, they actually fit me. :) I knitted them from Valley Yarns Franklin Natural Cone, which is a sock yarn from WEBS, and is 75% wool and 25% nylon. There was some minimal shrinkage after wet finishing. I had bought this specific cone yarn because of it being able to be dyed, which I did on Saturday, putting it in the dye crock pot with a skein of hand spun yarn. Basically, I dyed it this color only because I happened to have the dye ready for the skein of hand spun, and it actually matches a hand knit sweater that I knitted this past year.

This is the 2nd pair of socks that I knitted with the NZAK and believe it or not, I used the very same pattern (number of knitted rows) as I did for my 2st pair. This is a prime example of how different yarns knit up. This pair was knitted using Opal Elements (75% superwash wool and 25% polyamid), a German yarn by ZwergerGarn (?).
If you remember from an earlier blog entry, I rigged up a paint roller cage that I am able to use skein yarn on after re-winding it onto paper towel cardboard tubes.

Experimenting and practicing on the NZAK continues.....yesterday I knitted a hung hem using a 3-1 mock ribbing and will continue with that experiment again today.
YAY! Socks look GREAT~!!!
Congratulations on the socks!! Looking good.
Wow! Stunning! There's no stopping you now...
For EL.........These are John's videos. He also has them in DVD form, too.
Boggles the mind, that's real quality there!
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