Don's sister and brother in law, Bonnie and Eugene, sent us a potted amaryllis bulb for Christmas. It has been growing nicely next to the Aero Garden, receiving the artificial periods of light. Finally, it was time to move it to the sun room where we could enjoy the blossom display. It has 4 flowers that began opening the beginning of last week, and also a 2nd flower stalk that will eventually begin it's flower display, after the 1st ones glory has gone.

Thankfully, the flower stalks are nice and sturdy and don't need any additional support.
You'll notice there is a change in the background from this photo to the next........
Don purchased a new piece of artwork on Friday. St. Mary's sponsors small art shows and has them hanging along some of its corridors. Don saw this and fell in love with it. It is a beautiful piece and replaced the nude male drawing that a friend of mine had done years ago. It is good to change out art pieces occasionally so one will appreciate them fully, once they are re-hung again.
The piece is done by Carol Pflughoeft, of McFarland, WI, who calls herself a "Digital Artist". This is from part of her artist statement......"My digital artwork consists of original fractal designs combined with original photography. This series began with my discovery of the delightful world of fractal patterns. Their stunning beauty, intriguing shapes, unusual textures, and repeating patterns fascinated me".
It is a beautiful addition to our home.......
1 comment:
Both the flower and the fractal are gorgeous works of art!!! Amaryllis bulbs apparently do a lot better if planted right side up.
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