Don and I went over to Barb and Geoff's Saturday night to celebrate her birthday, which was last Wednesday. Her planned dessert didn't materialize, so we had no cake in which to have a candle to blow out. One of the deviled eggs that I made would have to do. :)

Barb happily poses in her newly re-modeled room, which has been painted "Coral or Salmon"........but MY description would be "PINK"! ;) Can you tell that she is taking some teasing? ;)
Geoff and Barb as we sat down to a delicious chili and cornbread dinner.
After Barb's birthday dinner celebration, we sat down to watch some of the videos of key speakers from the National Bioneer Convention that was held last Fall. Don purchased the set after we attended the 1st Annual Bioneer Convention here in Madison.
We had a great time and once again....."Happy Birthday Barb!"!
At the High School I taught at many years ago, the staff work room was repainted. The principal insisited it was "Salmon". Staff said pink. She got upset about that. The art teacher then drew a cartoon with two identical colour panels. One labelled salmon, the other pink. No more comments followed.
Thanks for the great pictures! Mine didn't turn out nearly so well. And thanks again for a great evening.
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