As you may remember, I added sewing to my fiber addiction, by buying a sewing machine about 6 weeks ago. I took a beginners sewing class, then signed up for a class on how to sew a fleece vest. This is the vest from that class. Numerous errors, but over all a sturdy, comfortable vest and a prototype to look at while following up with another. So.....with this experience somewhat "fresh", I decided to sew vests for my boys and daughter in law, buying materials for them before I had completely finished the 1st vest. I must admit that I was pleased with how much faster my daughter in laws was completed when I finally began hers. Having blocks of time and the prototype to look at while working on hers, made it much easier. I finished Julie's yesterday. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have a photo of it to post.

"Supposedly" Madison is to be getting quite a bit of snow within the next few days. I will have plenty of indoor time to work on my numerous "fiber addictions", eh? ;)
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