This is the lay out of the garden. The next few photos are seen from the top, inside corner of the plan. If you enlarge the photo (by double clicking on it), you'll be able to read what the areas are. On the lower right side of the garden is called Pocket Park. That is accessible to the general public from the street, but the rest will only be accessible from inside the building.

This shows the bottom of the garden water feature. It actually has a little stream that splits and comes down in 2 runs. The stream is going to be using mainly stored and filtered run off water from the building. It has a HUGE "capture tank" that will hold thousands of gallons of water, filter, and recycle it to feed the stream.

This view shows the "hill" where the stream will begin. The huge boulder on top is actually sitting on the "aqua boxes" which make up the capture tank. In reality, the capture tank is now open air but will soon be filled with water.

I'll make sure I post more photos when the garden is completed and the stream running. It truly will be a beautiful place......
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