Don and his co-workers decided to go to the Tech Happy Hour last week. Unfortunately, it was Thursday night, which was the night of much rain, which then turned to freezing rain. That being the case, only Don and 1 other co-worker, Jim, showed up. Many of Don's co-workers live far enough out of town, that it made much more sense to leave work and head home, than go out for drinks, tempting fate, and finding the roads slick with ice afterwards. Don asked me to go with him, which I did, with us going out to dinner prior to the happy hour. We went to the Argus, a bar around the corner from the Majestic Theater, where the Tech Happy Hour was being held that evening. It was my 1st time there, although Don had been there years ago. We both enjoyed our food and I'm sure would go back another time.
At the happy hour, we talked with Gary, our neighbor Rob's brother in law, whose group was one of the sponsors that evening.

Jim, Don's co-worker, also brought his girlfriend, Tammy, whom we've met before, and we had a nice time talking as well. As you can see, I managed to be incognito, and didn't have a "name tag". :)
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