After arriving home from Prairie du Chien, we went and sat out on our front deck, in hopes that a few of the neighbors might stop by for some birthday cake. Don had done very well again and bought my favorite.....Carrot Cake! :)

We were not disappointed......Mary and her son, Sanjaya, soon joined us.
Don brought out this unusually shaped present and for the life of me, I had no clue as to what it could be. I had COMPLETELY forgotten that when we'd gone to Canoecoppia last month (the annual canoe/kayak exposition), he'd purchased this.........
A 2 compartment cooler that is made especially for my Native Watercraft hybrid canoe and is custom fit for a specific section in the canoe.
Lonny and Griffin also came over. We were joined later by wife/mom Charlie, who was working at the time, but who managed to get home in time for some carrot cake. ;)
Not an especially flattering photo, but certainly shows my total surprise with this gift.....
Yep, Don was EXTREMELY generous and got me an iPad!!!!! I'd been using his, trying it out by reading books on it and found that I liked it very much. My plan was to buy one this year with my tax return, but unfortunately, having to buy a new refrigerator put a crimp into those plans. I guess that any money I save now can be used for something else, eh? ;) I have been getting so much use out of this and really, really like it!
We were also joined by Maddie and her Grandma Debbie. Maddie lives across the street and is Jamie and Zack's daughter.
My daughter Claire sent this for my and Don's combined birthday present. Don's birthday is in late April. A night out to see a show! Isn't it a great idea to give people an "experience"? A big thank you to Claire!
Do my kids know me well or what? ;) I received these knitting books from Patrick, Julie and Granddaughter Abigail. Hmmmmmmm........are they "hinting" that there might be something in them they'd like? ;) Another big thank you to Patrick, Julie, and Abigail!
Don took this photo of me at our weekly, Thursday after work, coffee date. "Normally", after reading the Isthmus, Madison's weekly "what's going on" paper, I'd listen to my iTouch or read a book afterwards.......not so anymore. I can still read a book, but it will be from online, or write emails, or search the web! Ahhhh....I LOVE it!
A thank you also to those of you who wished me a happy birthday via snail mail and Facebook! I had a grand day!
I love the look of surprise on your face when you got the iPad!!! Great job capturing the moment :)
Your surprise face is a HOOT!!!!!
and that carrot cake looked pretty danged good too-----
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
Looks like you made out like a bandit!! Hope you have many more. DC
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