Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Cousin Carol's Visit Continued........."

After the cousins chatted about family photos, etc., we walked out to the pier for a "photo op". Cooperative, aren't they? ;) I'm not sure what this "hand thing" is all about.

My photos are a bit out of order but I decided to leave it that way (I've been having a little trouble loading photos on Blogger today).

As we left The Stirling House, we took the time for photos.......Carol and me.......

Cousins Don and Carol........

Our first stop on our sight seeing walking tour of downtown Greenport, was at the Greenport Harbor Brewing Company where we tasted a flight of their 4 beers. A beer person, I am not, but I found they were quite acceptable, while Don and Carol both thought they were all very good. Unfortunately, they only sold "Growlers" cold, otherwise we'd have bought some to bring home. They did not suggest letting their cold beer get warm again (especially sitting in a very hot car in the sun). ;)

A sculpture at the end of one of the marinas..........

There was live music in the harbor park, so before we found where we would eat dinner, we sauntered over for a listen. We listened for quite a while in fact......the band was quite good.

After the music in the park, we walked back to our B&B and Carol said her goodbyes. We had a wonderful time hanging out with her. As you might imagine from the photos, both she and Don were quite entertaining together! ;)


Molly Bee said...

Looks like you're having a great time. There is no place quite as nice as a spot by the sea.

Harry said...

I also write a weekly blog called, "My Weekly Wisdom Column," though it isn't always weekly or wise. I just like alliteration.

I read your blog on the Hobbit Houses in Charlevoix. I was there a few weeks ago, but misssed that tour entirely. However, I'd like to show the pictures in a route article I'm doing for with your permission.

My blog is
if you care to tune in Saturdays.