Here she is with my basket of socks. There are a few pair using commercial yarn, but most were from my hand spun.

Construction continues on the new house down on Cross and Briar Hill. The windows and doors have now been installed. There probably will not be too much work that will be noticeable from now on, except when the exterior siding is attached (not that I know what that will be), due to most work being in the buildings interior.

I find the house to be very interesting and think it very cool. I love all of the glass.....so much light will be allowed in. The large open area in the wall is covered nightly, so I do not know if it will be a large opening when completed, using a garage door, as in the house plan when the lot was originally for sale, or if it will be solid. Right now, it allows convenient access for the contractors to bring materials or equipment in and out.

Thought I would show an update of the nylon/wool 2 ply as I was plying it. Using the dark wool single, along with the lighter nylon single, created a "barber pole" effect. I think it will create a nice texture when knit up, plus be quite a strong yarn for a pair of socks.

The large opening at the new house will be a large glass overhead door.
I feel kinda sorry for the little house just east of the new one. Their light situation has certainly changed...
Nylon? How do you spin nylon? Where did you find it? Lemme guess, Susan's. I have got to get me out there one o' these days!
Interesting house. I feel sorry for the neighbors though. Wonder what kind of view they had compared to the one they had before.It looks behemouth next to the others. Maybe it's just the angle of the photo though....
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