I picked up Rosa from school on Tuesday. She was coming over so that I could teach her to knit. This is the look "after" learning and laboring over 1 row of 20 stitches. LOL Actually, she was watching the DVD Lion King when Don took this photo. I was surprised at how easily she learned to knit. She took the beginning piece home and I will again pick her up this coming Tuesday after school, to see how she is coming along. Becky, her Mom, is pretty sure she remembers enough of knitting to help Rosa if need be.

Here is Becky checking out the sock basket. I seem to be showing that off quite a bit, don't I? ;)

Another photo at Don's urgings. That man is a kid at heart! :)
1 comment:
Great 'My Favorite Martian' photo! Little kids do seem to take to knitting easily. I think it's because they don't overthink it and it's OK with them if they make mistakes.
Here's my ingenious puzzle storage system:
Take the big piece of white foam core board that used to be your quilting wall.
Removed the flannel.
Work puzzle on it.
When you get sick of it stick it under the sofa and forget about it.
Ta Da!
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