A view of Union Terrace that I have not posted before. Don "LOVES" his trike for city riding. ;)

Another photo from the same spot as the previous one. I thought the color against the "ominous" castle looked interesting. Our friend Geoff works in this building. Years ago, Don used to swim in the pool there. I'm not sure if it is still in use or not. The rules at the time, were that one HAD to swim in the nude. I find that VERY unusual.........

Our newest neighbor, Christina, had a gathering to have us all come over to meet her partner Christin, who will be moving here in January. Christin is now finishing up school in Arizona, where Christina did her under grad work. (This is the house that Maniphone and Jonathan owned when they lived in our neighborhood)

Christina and Christin carved pumpkins, so a closeup was required. :) This was carved by Christina......

And this was carved by Christin. We were told that it took a bit of time..... close to 3 hours!!!!

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