Friday, February 25, 2011

"Once There Was Hope...."

I took this photo one morning because the temperatures had been rising for a few days and I wanted to capture how much snow we had before all of it was gone, but as you can see, I was already too late for that since the street is completely clear and much is gone from rooftops.

This photo was taken about a week later after quite a bit more snow had melted. Notice that you can actually see the bench on the deck now, where before, even though the photo wasn't exactly taken the same, the bench top was almost hidden from view due to the pile of snow.

All good things come to an end........the temperatures dropped again and we've had snow, freezing rain, rain, and all combinations of the former. Spring can't be too far away though.....we've only 4 days (including today) until March begins and warmer temperatures will consistently be more frequent.

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