Don and I went back to the Capitol to support Saturday mornings gathering of protestors. We got there early enough that while I parked myself on a cement bench outside along the steps up to the Capitol building, Don wandered around inside and out, getting some great photos.
Even though fairly early, the rotunda was packed with protest supporters.

Don told me of this sign but I hadn't seen it until he processed his photos. The person holding it was delighted with watching people's initial reactions change from when they started reading his sign, to when they got to the "good parts". ;) For any of you who do not understand the train reference, "Governor elect" Walker....."told" Governor Doyle to halt work on the high speed train from Milwaukee to Madison, before taking office..........little did we know exactly HOW domineering Walker would act "after" he was sworn in.......
The 1st large organized group of protestors in parade mode.......
Soon after the first group made their way around the Capitol, another large organized group, Firefighters, came up from State Street, being led by bagpipers and drummers.
A friend of ours, Rory, is the piper on the far side.........
The Firefighter group was VERY large.......
This was our vantage point for the entire time we were at the rally (except for Don's excursions).
Dan (wearing red), you might recognize from happy hour photos on our front deck. He gave a speech prior to his and the other band members of Clovis Mann performing a number of songs for the protestors.
And a photo of Erica (white hat), too.
This definitely says our feelings about the Democratic Senators who, in our opinion, did the only thing they could do by going to Illinois to prevent the vote on the bill. I don't think in the history of politics in Wisconsin, has any bill been introduced on a Friday, "by the media", BEFORE it was given to the elected officials who were supposed to be the ones to vote on it..........ON THE FOLLOWING THURSDAY! Can you say "rush/push it through!"?
We left after the morning rally, choosing not to be on the Square when the Tea Party supporters arrived for their rallies, which were to take place at noon and 3PM. Thankfully, there were no clashes beyond some verbal dueling by opposing opinions, and for whatever reason, the bill supporters left the Capitol by around 1:20 PM.
This was taken as we walked down State Street away from the Capitol.......
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