As Don and I started out on our bikes for a ride down to check out the Ironman Competition, we stopped to say hello to Andy, Angela, Benjamin, and Becca. They were enjoying the beautiful day lazing around on the front lawn.

I asked Benjamin if he had a bike and wanted to go bike riding? His answer was to excitedly RUN into the garage, having me follow him, so that he could show/bring out his bike. I "suggested" he ask his Daddy to take him out for a ride....receiving a "dagger look from Andy, but "all's fair" in child and parrot raising, right? ;) Maybe some day he'll be able to go riding with us........sigh........
The weather for the Ironman Competition couldn't have been nicer. It was sunny and warm (but not too warm), with no humidity. A perfect day for such an event. That, of course, is my humble opinion.......
The finish line for the riding part of the competition......
The crowd was out, anxiously awaiting the riders. I am in the crowd.....near the corner of the upper white tent (blue shirt).
Don took this view from the top public area of Monona Terrace. The competitors had to ride up the circular ramp with a burst of speed as they got close to their finish line for the riding section of the event.
A close up of one competitor.........
Here he is after handing over his bike to a volunteer. Notice his riding shoes are still connected to his bike? The switchover to the running part of the competition begins with their dismount from their bike, so some of the competitors make use of every partial second by jumping from their riding, you may ask?'s a mystery. ;)
Don was enjoying his time taking numerous photos of the beautiful day. The sky was so blue!
A view of the Capitol from the top of Monona Terrace.
The parking area of Monona Terrace is ready with bike racks to receive all of the competitors bikes.
The final leg of the competition is running. This area is also the end of the race with the finish line down the street after going through the arch.
Again, it was a perfect day for the competition! We certainly enjoyed ourselves on our ride........maybe someday, Benjamin will be able to join us. ;)