Friday, November 13, 2009

"Forestry Field Day Part 4....."

After Luke felled the tree, the horse team came down to drag it out of the woods.

I just happened to be available to hold Henry, Mike and Anna's son. ;)

The horses were not too small, eh? :)

Such a beautiful animal.......

The horse team owner talking with Luke as to what he was going to do next.........

Anna with me as we wait for the team to be moved down to the fallen tree.

The chain being attached to the trunk.

With log attached, the team pulls it up towards the saw mill.

The portable saw mill with a trimmed log on it. The new log will be swapped for the rough trimmed one.

The rough sawed log being dragged to another location.

Rough sawing the new log.......

I have a few more photos from our day at Forestry Field Day, and will post them on Monday.

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