Don and I attended the first Madison Bioneer Convention, which was held out in Fitchburg last Friday/Saturday. It was an inspiring 2 days. The entire concept is all realms of life. The annual Bioneer Convention was held in California last month, celebrating its 20th birthday. Don and I became aware of the Bioneer "movement" when vacationing in Traverse City a few years ago. We'd thought that perhaps we'd take a long weekend and attend the annual convention that they host, but were pleasantly surprised to find that Madison was going to host the event this year, too. Promega hosted the event, sponsoring it along with Sustain Dane, Organic Valley Family Farms, The Isthmus, UW Health Integrative Medicine, Trek, Willy Street Co-op, Edgewood College, and a variety of others.
Don took this young woman's photo because she won the Trek bike at the convention and this was her initial victory ride. :)

A photo of the lunch room at Promega's BioPharmaceutical Technology Center, where the event was held.

As I said earlier, the event was inspiring and we will definitely attend again next year. So inspiring in fact, that we plan on purchasing rain barrels for a couple of our downspouts, have re-considered our plans for not having chickens after our last one passes away.....we're getting more very soon, and I am switching over to buying organic and/or local foods as much as possible, plus, I moved and re-configured our compost bins, allowing more space for turning the contents. For me to work so diligently the past few days on that project, you KNOW I was inspired. ;)
OMG OMG OMG!!!! What cool stuff you are doing! Glad to hear about the chickens. Wanna talk about the whole food thing??? My sister runs an informal buying club you could get in on. Ooh ooh ooh, I have so many things I want to discuss with you. When can you guys come over for dinner? What are you doing for Thanksgiving? I know Don wants to watch with us some of the Bioneer sessions. ooh ooh ooh!!!...
MIKE!!!!!! Why didn't you call me! I work at the BTC and wandered back and forth through Bioneers all day!
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