Our next event was to listen to this man from the DNR talk about "Forest Management". Unfortunately, I do not remember his name to give him credit, but he was very knowledgeable and interesting.
He spoke of tree species and why some were cut while others are left in a managed wood lot.

Our next speaker and demonstration came from Luke. We met Luke one night at Happy Hour on our deck, stopping by with Mike and Anna. He has done logging with horse teams before. He talked and then demonstrated the correct/safe way to cut a tree down.

Making a few strategic cuts.......

Explaining where and why.......

The dash for his pre-chosen safe spot when the final cut was made in the tree to have it fall.......

It fell quickly (AMAZINGLY SO!!!) AND where Luke had planned on it landing.

I "think" Luke was discussing the growth rings......

Making the measured cut so that the horse team can come in and drag it out to the portable saw mill.

To be continued.......
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