This marine shop was on the corner near our house. My "salty dog" alongside this carved one......We had to pass it on our way to the Maritime Museum, which was part of this days adventures.

At the museum, the outdoor exhibits were open, so we naturally went inside the ones that were possible to go into. This is the pilot house of the "Viking", a railroad carferry.

The outside of the Viking's pilot house.

When we heard there was an exhibit at the Historical Museum about the flood of 1942, which we couldn't figure out how it could happen, unless Lake Superior had risen to extreme levels (we were sure we'd have heard about that before this!). The explanation was on this sign, plus seeing the museum's exhibit made everything clear. It had many photos of the disaster, newspaper articles, as well as some personal accounts. Parts of the town were buried in 4' of sand/mud.

This is the Bayfield Library, which was built before the flood. We saw photos of how the flood waters washed away the street in front of the library. Washed away in this sense, means a DEEP ravine was cut by the rushing downhill waters, which carried away the street, many sheds, garages, and boulders.

Another piece of architecture using locally cut sandstone. There had been several quarries located on a couple of the Apostle Islands. This church was right across the street from a renovated 3 story schoolhouse, which is now condos.

In this photo, you are able to see how steep the streets are in Bayfield, and also where the previous photo was taken (schoolhouse cupola and church steeple).

This photo was taken from in front of the schoolhouse condo building. Each condo in the building (there were only 6) had a lake view.

Tomorrow, our hike along the Iron Bridge Hiking Trail.
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