After exploring the Port Austin area, we then drove down to Ubly, MI, southeast of Bad Axe, where the reception was to be held. We thought we'd get the "lay of the land", so to speak. In that time, we saw and reported, a grass fire alongside the road. Not having a cell phone, we stopped at a "Gun and Conservation Club" to ask someone to make a call to the authorities. A couple of guys jumped into their truck and left to see what we'd seen, then report it if necessary. We COULD have been nutcases after all...... On our drive back to Bad Axe, we saw someone from the fire department hosing down the area. After that excitement, we arrived at the hotel, changed clothes, and drove back up to Port Austin for the wedding rehearsal.
Quick side note on a similar topic:
[**One interesting thing we learned that day when we talked with a woman at the Visitors Center, was that almost the entire Thumb area (including many towns/villages/farms) burned to the ground (it was a logging area) in a horrific fire in 1881, with hundreds of people losing their lives. Port Austin was spared because of a change in the wind, when the fire was 1/2 mile from the town.
On October 8, 1871, both Michigan (upper and lower peninsula) AND Wisconsin, were devastated by forest fires. These also burned uncontrolled, with much loss of life. Ironically, on the same date, "The Great Chicago Fire" also took place.]
Some sites to visit if these facts peak your interest:
Back to the rehearsal.......It was to begin at 5:00, but being "somewhat similar in some things", we, along with Patrick and Julie, arrived earlier. Her brother, John (lower left), arrived next.

Julie's sister, Rachel, and Kerry, bridesmaids, share a laugh at the antics of Kerry's daughter, Riley, who was the flower girl. Julie's father, Jim, takes it easy while he still could.....

Groomsmen Chris (left) and Kyle, both longtime friends of Patrick's, wait patiently, alongside Julie, for the rehearsal to begin.

We all were being very calm and patient. Patrick, me, Kyle, Chris, and Julie.

Rehearsal begins......Patrick and I, the first of the "family" procession, follow Father Andy, the priest of St. Michael's Catholic Church, towards the alter. Sean will join us in the "real" procession, but was not able to make it to rehearsal. He, along with Julie's brothers, Mark, and John, were the ushers for the wedding. Patrick would take us to our pew and then stand alongside Father Andy, where he would wait for Julie and her parents to come up the aisle.

After we proceeded down the aisle, we were followed by Kerry and Kyle, then Matron of honor and best man, Rachel and Chris, with Riley, behind them, as flower girl, which signaled Julie, with her parents, Jim and Charlene's, entry.
In the photo from left to right: Kyle, Chris, Jim, Julie, Charlene, Patrick, with the tip of Rachel's head peeking over his shoulder, and Kerry.

Julie practicing her scripture reading for the ceremony. Father Andy seated behind her.

At our stations: Kyle, me, and Chris.

Cell phone photos.....The Three Musketeers! (or is that partners in crimes, not all of which their parents, yes, including me, know about) ;)

After the rehearsal, we all prepared to drive down to Cousins, in Bad Axe, where the rehearsal dinner was to be held.