Imagine his surprise when Don checked our "live trap" for a chipmunk when he saw the trap had been sprung! A baby Opossum! He quickly called to me to come look, then he opened the door of the trap to allow the baby Opossum to escape. It stayed where it was for quite awhile.....very still, with nothing moving but it's eyes, but eventually, when I checked on it, the baby had run home to it's Mama. :)

The day lilies are especially beautiful this year. These are located outside the sun room windows, in the rain garden.

As are these......

This one is in a bed made up entirely of day lilies, located mid yard against the wooden privacy fence. It is the 2nd short variety that has bloomed, while 2 others, taller varieties, will begin in the next day or so.

While I was out taking photos, Bridgett and Tracie's dogs came out to inspect their domain. Back along the fence is Cheyenne, Julle' heading towards me, and Ginger (the jumper), tethered in the foreground.

A close up of Julle' (our favorite!).

And a nice shot of Cheyenne.

hey dad, I posted a bunch more pictures for everyone. It was cool to see the sheep, kind of makes me want to live on a farm again. But I would probably eat all the animals :-)
Beautiful flowers and oh, I love the doggies!!
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