I've know I have posted photos of the new deck, but hadn't shown "before and after" shots. We are still in awe when we walk out the front door. For us, it is like walking out into (onto?) an outdoor room. I am looking forward to getting some pots of flowers onto it for some color.

We now have all of the furniture that we used out front before on the deck, but also hope to do some shopping to see if we can find some other pieces that would be more permanent than the "folding" chairs.

I have moved the cement bench into the backyard, next to the greenhouse. I've also been spading up the ground on the street side of the deck and plan on planting some shrubs soon, along with some of the spring bulbs that I hadn't gotten into the ground last fall. I'm not sure what to expect from them.........

The tulip display was disappointing this year for some reason. I had planted some bulbs 2 years ago and they did fine last year, but were mostly non-flowering this year, only leaves came up to show where they were. I'm thinking that it is perhaps because the soil is so depleted of nutrients, that they lost some of their vigor. Thinking that, I plan on amending the soil where I plant anything new as well as giving the established plants some fertilizer. The daffodils that were planted last year all came up and blossomed.........they, too, will get a side dressing of fertilizer in hopes of a repeat performance next year.