As you may remember, Don bought me a Trek Electric Assist Bike for my birthday. It had to be ordered and it's arrival was scheduled for the 3rd week of May. It surprised us and came in last Thursday. We weren't able to go and pick it up until Sunday, which turned out to be fine since the weather on Sunday was beautiful (I certainly didn't want rain drops on my new bike!).
Travis, the nice Trek associate who helped us, gives me instructions on using the "computer". Positive numbers mean I am using the power assistance, negative numbers mean I am recharging the battery. I then took my new bike for a spin to make sure the new seat adjustment was correct and felt good. Afterwards, prior to bringing it home, Don added a few accessories to sweeten my birthday gift even more.

Final photo at the store before securing the bike onto the carrier for its trip home.....
Home safe and sound. ;) Unfortunately, the battery had not been charged (even after a phone request from Don made on Saturday), so we didn't go for a spin as planned. You know the saying, the best laid plans, etc. It worked out well as we needed to re-arrange the garage anyway to make room near the electrical outlet for the charger/bike. That said task means that my other upright bike, and also my trike, are now in storage in the basement to make room in the garage. Anyone interested in adding to their collection of bikes? I have a couple for sale......... ;)
We also had taken along with us the "quick release" attachment for the dog cart (which I use as a grocery cart). The service tech tried attaching it to the rear axle, but found it wasn't a good fit, suggesting we get a "frame mount" for the cart instead. Yep......Don has it ordered already. :)
Excellent! Looks Great!
OOOhhh, jealous! That is one nifty machine! Amazing what they can make these days. You'll be the talk of the town when you win the Tour Du Michigan! ;)
OOOOEEEE! Spiffy Ride!
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