Don and I finally were able to get out on our bikes for a good ride, taking my Trek Electric Assist Bike for it's maiden tour. I LOVE IT!!!
We rode our normal route around town, bringing us to the overpass by the University's veterinary barns, which goes over University Avenue.
Usually I am the one who follows, but I thought I should go up first this time, having the bike in "positive 4 assist".

Well.....THAT was easy! After Don rode up the ramp, I was about to suggest he try my bike to see how well it takes "hills", when he yelled up at me, "I want to try it!", which he did. :)
I know it is hard to believe, but Don and I, with our different heights, have the same length of inseam, so he is easily able to ride my bike without lowering the seat.
He set the computer of the bike to "negative 4 assist', which means pedaling will charge the battery, BUT it also will allow the person to ride the bike downhill without necessarily using the brakes. Don was able to coast down the entire ramp without using any braking. Of course, it depends on how steep the hill or downgrade is. ;)
Slowly he descends......
Yard by yard.....
Foot by foot.....
Inch by inch......
Alright already! Get down the hill and turn around! :)
He, too, set the bike for "positive 4 assist", and fairly flew up the ramp....
Notice the couple climbing the stairs?
Luckily they looked back and saw him coming at warp speed and got out of his way. He certainly would have warned them of his approach though.....HE has good biking manners......unlike so many on the bike paths who do NOT warn you of their "impending pass".
Here he is about to make the pass and take the final turn......
And he is at the top of the ramp! I took photos as fast as the camera allowed....perhaps that can give you an idea of how well the bike "assists". :)
My new bike definitely makes my riding even more enjoyable. Riding up even slight grades or against the wind (we ALWAYS have wind when we never is a calm day) is just given the "extra little edge or boost" that makes me smile (plus passing Don on hills does, too). ;)
Outstanding! It looks like great fun and ever so practical. Maybe I'd actually start hauling groceries by bike if I had one.
Love the new bike! I've ordered a sidecar. I'll be over when it comes and we put it on! I'll look amazing in my aviator helmet and long white scarf! You'll have to go fast so it will flow in the breeze!
hilarious photo series. love the yard by yard, inch by inch narrative.
Sweet blog, I hadn't noticed previously in my searches!
Carry on the great work!
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