Jacob came down to happy hour, before Krista got home from work, with twins Zoe and Kai. They are getting so big! AND....both are now walking! To think that they first attended happy hour when they were less than 24 hours old.....how time flies!

Here are Mom Krista holding Zoe along side Barb, holding Kai.
Made' also came over before leaving to go on a "run".......
Mary came over and was able to "hang out" longer. :)
Tracie and Bridget also were able to make it this past Friday. I'd told them that I had baked soft pretzels for happy hour.....Tracie's favorite!
Looks like someone is telling me a story. :) Copper, of course, made sure that no one was too rowdy throughout the evening. :)
As the evening progressed, more people showed up, while others left, making the size of the group fluctuate. We were pleasantly surprised to have a couple with their 2 young kids stop over and introduce themselves. Seems they ride by quite a bit and live close by. It is nice to know that our group looks interesting/inviting and not threatening, eh? :) It was a very enjoyable night........I may have even gotten a few more people to take some sweet basil plants when they get a little bigger. ;)
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