As you can see, it is MUCH smaller than my Harrisville Loom, but comfortable enough to sit and weave on, although when I change treadles (the pedals) it does rise and fall, riding on the tops of my knees.

Since I wasn't sure that it would work for me, I decided against buying rug yarn for the "experiment" runner. I used some of my "stash" of knitting yarns, picking out Lion Brand's "Homespun", 100% acrylic yarn. I had bought quite a few colors when I first began knitting (Thank you, Angela!), because I liked the variety of colors available. The yarn worked well for weaving and allowed me to achieve nice, even edges.

The loom is considered a "travel loom", and will fold up to a nice small size. It can easily be transported to the workshop in the car. Notice the carrying handle on the side?

I also had been busy knitting, and then felting, a pair of clogs for myself. When I weave, I weave barefoot or wear socks. Unfortunately, even with wool socks, my feet sometimes were cold. Sheila, another friend, gave me a "Felted Clog Pattern", that I thought might allow me to weave and still be able to "feel" the treadles through the sole of the clog. So.....also last weekend, I began knitting my clogs. They were an easy knit and were completed quickly.
This photo shows the "Pre-Felting"........ Felting, for those of you who are not familiar with it, is the process of knitting a piece much larger than what the final piece will be, and washing it in hot water with heavy agitation, which will shrink the yarn and turn it into a heavier material.....thus "felt". :)

And "Post Felting"....... They work very well. I am able to feel the treadles and my feet stay quite warm. Seems that both of my "textile experiences" of this past week worked out very well. A huge THANK YOU to Barb, Sheila, and Angela, for making my "retirement" more enjoyable.