With "former neighbor", Andy, up in the Porcupine Mountains hiking with "current neighbor", Rob, Angela brought herself, Becca, and Benjamin, over to happy hour. They are settling into their new house, but as we all know, it does take some time to have everything the way you want it, plus they are in the midst of doing some remodeling, too.
Here is Angela, holding Benjamin, with Becca (sitting by herself), Daria, and her daughter, Tala.

What an expression, eh?
Friends Sheila and Penny made an appearance, too. Sheila is looking over some knitting patterns and I'm giving my 2 cents worth of advice about each one. ;)
Tala and Griffin got along well. Tala is a little more mobile than Griffin right now, due to her being a bit older, but he'll be catching up soon.
The giggling was loud! Griffin was having a great time with Daddy Lonny, while Mom Charlie looks on. You could tell she is used to them "horsing around".
Wow! So many babies!!!
becca's expression on that photo is hilarious!
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