"Grill Man" Jim did a bang up job with the burgers and dogs. He would have worn his official "Grill Man" outfit, but we were afraid (with so many party distractions) of the cape catching fire........

Prep and "catch up" continue inside as "Grill Man" does his job outside.......
While I take a MUCH more distressed Abigail for a spin.......I "strolled" her right over to Mom Julie after this was taken. :)
Mom calms Abigail down (her face a lovely shade of pink/red, don't you think?) while they greet a co-worker of Julie's. Unfortunately, I do not remember her name but we had a nice conversation. She lives in Traverse City and we were chatting about Don's and my future move to TC.
Believe me, Julie is a terrific daughter/sister in law. She put together an "Abigail's First Year" photo book for Sean, and one for Don and me. Such a cool gift!
Sean helping/distracting Abigail to overcome her distressing mood. You can see by her face that he has done well. Can't you just see/hear her mind working, wondering......."What IS that on Uncle Sean and Mommy's head?" ;)
Julie knew of someone who bakes/decorates custom cakes and made sure she was able to have a horse theme for our little jockey Abigail. A tasty treat of chocolate or white (yellow?) under that frosting, too!
Sean also baked Abigail a cake. His was "butter cream"! It, too, was VERY tasty and made an especially big hit/splash with Abigail......as you will soon see. ;)
Abigail's Birthday Party to be continued........
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