Uncle Sean brought over several balloons to occupy Abigail after she was finished eating her lunch, giving Julie a little time to get Abigail's piece of birthday cake ready. Grandma and cousin Owen look on.......

Oh yeah.....he has her attention. Owen looks quite disappointed that the food is gone from her tray. :)
Got one!
This one is MINE!
Forget the balloons.....Mom has something for me!
Did you see any hesitation on her part? Absolutely none!
Hummmmm........I think this is going to take both hands........
Yeah......I have it now.
Ummmmmmm.......Yep, this works!
Oops.......paw in the mouth!
This paw is pretty tasty!
Yeah.....let me concentrate on this for a bit.
Ok....enough of the paw, let's see what this other stuff is........
"What did you say?"
Sorry....can't answer right now, my mouth is full.
And I'm going to keep it that way, too. ;)
Well, maybe if you give me a balloon, I may play with that, too.
It wasn't eatable before, but since it has butter cream on it.......
Oh Yeah! THIS is GOOD!
Yep.....She is my granddaughter! ;)
More party to follow........
Thanks for this morning's entertainment! She's so darn cute! The balloon was "icing on the cake." Funny!
OMGosh! Precious! I especially love the one where she's laughing!
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