When I had taken the pair of blue/black socks out of the crock pot, the dye bath was still slightly blue looking. So, I figured I would see what would happen and slipped the next sock blank into the tinted water. Here is what showed up.......blue "mist". :) I used this for the base of my next pair of socks.

Jacquard's Fire Red and Sapphire Blue were my dyes on this pair........the turquoise yarn on the ends is the waste yarn used to keep the tube from "running".
The finished sock tube.
And the finished pair of socks. They're showing as being rather "ripply" in this photo, but they will not be after going through the final step, which is machine washed/air dried.
Cool colors!!!! You are just a Dying Crank-Meister these days!
Blue mist! Perfect!
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