Sheila's birthday was the day after we'd gotten home from our vacation in Bayfield, but I didn't have her present ready then. I'd seen, and bought, the materials to knit her present while on vacation. Previous to then, I couldn't pin down what I wanted to knit for her this year.......then inspiration struck as we looked around the yarn shop in Bayfield.
Here is Sheila gently seeking her present........nice gift bag, eh? Nothing is too "special" for our Sheila. ;)

I had knitted Sheila a "multi-directional" scarf, using Berroco Sock Yarn. I wanted the scarf to be able to be worn as an accessory, so didn't want it too warm or heavy.

Penny begins being "helpful" on how Sheila should wear her new scarf.......

no.....maybe this way........

"What do you think"?

Or maybe this way......

There we are! Don't move too much Sheila!!! It may come apart!

I put in my 2 cents as well....."Peace, man" executed with a "spaced out" look.......... LOL

A VERY Happy Birthday to Sheila, with many more to come!
1 comment:
Just so you know,I usually prefer head shots only, but in this case...
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