The last one......

These are the only flowers that I bought. 4 little impatiens for the pot that gets the least amount of sun.......

The outside plants are ground cherries. Ground cherries are supposed to taste "strawberry-like". I planted 4 Purple Beauty Peppers in the middle of the pot. I know they are too close together, but with not knowing if there will be enough sun for them to grow well, I figured "what the heck"? They will certainly require more water, but that is nothing new with container gardening.

Our 3 pots of "Better Boy" tomatoes. As you can see, I cheated and bought 2 rather big plants so that we'd have an earlier crop. Home grown, just picked from the vine are the most delicious eating!

These 4 plants are cherries tomatoes. Once again, I planted too many in the pot but with not knowing if there will be sufficient sun for them to grow well, I decided that it was worth the gamble.

Yesterday, I re-potted some coleus and set those plants out on the deck, along with a HUGE Mother In Laws Tongue, and our 2 amaryllis that are in their leaf growing stage. Hopefully, they will do well this summer and when set inside for their forced dormancy, when re-planted, they will give us beautiful blooms again.
Great job on the containers! One question: are the ones on the rails attached? I can just see me dumping one over. :{
Sometimes going in extra close and focussing in on a part of the flower can create wonderful and unusual images that take on an abstract quality. Look for contrasting colors, patterns and textures.
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