These are my 3 skeins of yarn that I have spun so far. The one on the left is my 1st attempt, the middle, my 2nd, and the rust colored one, my latest.

If you enlarge the photo, you will easily see that my last skein is more consistently even.

Anna and I had our beginning spinning class last Sunday down in Mineral Point, WI. We were taught to use a "drum carder" (http://www.strauchfiber.com/dc_petite.htm), and these were the fiber batts that I made. I will be spinning from them next, after I complete the white roving. I will post a before and after photo of how they turned out. :)

And.....as an "add on" photo.....Copper using her new rug. :)

Your spinning is just fantastic!!! I've done KoolAid dying. It actually does work on animal fibers though not so well on cotton. It leaves behind an interesting slightly sweet smell even after washing.
Awww! Cute doggie! Love the photo of your new wheel! It's a beauty! You are a natural spinner. Your yarn is beautiful. Can't wait to see how your batts spin up.
Sow's Ear is giving a class soon on Mason Jar/Kool Aid dying. I can't remember the exact date, but I know that I wanted to take it but I wouldn't be up and about yet. When I expressed my disappointment at the store, they told me that there are a lot of good tutorials on the Web too. If you try it, please post pics. I am 'dying' to try it myself.:-)
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