Here is a photo of the "once upon a time intended to be a scarf", now mat, woven piece. I was so very pleased that I was able to weave it to a length long enough to show the blended colors of the warp, before the hand spun weft was used up. I'll certainly try this method again, but not in the too near future.....too many other things to learn/do. ;) (double click on the photo to see it larger)

For the first time since college, I broke warp threads in a piece of weaving. This time, it happened while weaving the bath/hot tub towels. I "thought" I remembered what to do, but figured I'd better check my weaving books to make sure. Surprisingly, I did remember correctly. :) This is the "splice" showing the 2 new warp threads wrapped around the pins, and the old warp threads lying along the woven cloth.
This photo shows the piece after having woven on it for awhile with the splice area under the front beam. As you can see, there is no visual evidence of the splice in the later woven cloth........I hope it stays that way when I have finished the piece and taken it off the loom. Regardless if it does or not, Copper is going to LOVE this piece as her bed cover. :)
Wednesday, I watched Henry while his Dad, Michael, went to the dentist. Fortunately, he was satisfied with being left with me and only had one crying bout, which was when he was fighting off going to sleep. Michael, unfortunately, had to wake Henry up before coming over, so he'd only had a short catnap. But after taking a bottle and chatting for a bit, he was ready for another nap........that's when he wasn't too happy, nor was I! LOL He soon couldn't "fight the feeling" anymore and drifted off to sleep. He truly was "good as gold" otherwise.
We had some nice chats while he gurgled and cooed, chewing his fists. I'd like to point out that he is "styling" in his 100% cotton bib which I knitted for wrapped up in his Cowboy fleece/flannel blanket that I had sewn for him when he was but a mere babe. :) I LOVE to see things used that I've made and given as gifts! :)
I spent some time yesterday with my new NZAK sock machine. Unfortunately, the DVD which came with it was damaged and didn't work fully, so I watched much of the video manual on You Tube. Don took care of that problem last night when he got home from work. He copied the DVD and made a movie out of it, so I now have it on the desktop computer AND my iTouch! The damaged parts are not damaged in the movie....go figure, eh? The visual quality is MUCH better than watching it on You Tube, too.
I was able to make some progress with my machine yesterday though. I learned how to use my "set up basket" to start the knitting process on the machine. I did that several times and feel pretty good about knowing that procedure now. I also tried using the ribber, which wasn't as successful, but I was able to see some ribbing done (among some dropped stitches). :) I also attempted to "hang a hem" and was fairly successful with that process. I'll try that procedure again today. Oh! All of these processes were gotten to by knitting tubes! So knitting tubes is also part of my accomplishments yesterday. :) Did I take some photos? Nope.......too mentally involved with the learning.......I'll "try" to remember to take some today. Key word is...."try".
Have a great weekend!!!
1 comment:
Nice going, with the NZAK. I pulled mine out of "time out" yesterday and got a nice tube going. Then I ruined it by trying to do a heel. Dropped 4 stitches, picked them up and then the yarn broke! Wahhhh!
My DVD didn't work, either, so I've been using the YouTube videos.
Ribber? Still no luck with that one. It's a very steep learning curve but, some day, socks will be had!
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