My "Circular Sock Machine" (CSM) arrived yesterday afternoon. I was excited AND frustrated at the same time. I just happened to be babysitting for Michael and Anna's little 3 month old son, Henry. So, I had to put off opening the package up until Michael got back from his dentist appointment and took Henry home......then I carefully "TORE INTO IT"! LOL Seriously, I was excited to open the package, but also very careful when unwrapping the pieces as I didn't want to damage any needles or anything. Here is my little beauty with all of it's parts. The biggest part (cylinder/crank handle) were already assembled and had knitting on it, which is Jacquie Grants product testing prior to shipping out any of her machines. Basically, it is all assembled and ready to knit after you put the stand together.

And speaking of the stand. Here it is, each leg piece with oiled threads, screwed in, ready to receive the main section of the machine.....the assembled cylinder.
The somewhat now "warmed up" machine pieces, moved to the back sun room, so that I can look at the DVD assembly instructions on the computer. The DVD which accompanied the machine would not work in either our DVD player or computer, so I had to watch the You Tube videos that Jacquie has posted. Thankfully, for whatever reason, this morning the DVD will now play in the computer.....I haven't checked to see if it will play in our DVD player, but imagine it will.
Copper checking out the "smells of New Zealand" from the sock sample.......
The final piece to assemble was the yarn mast.
"Theoretically"........I am ready to knit. Oh, so not true. ;) I will definitely be taking my time in getting to know the sock machine. Unfortunately, I won't be able to begin doing that until somewhat later in the morning, as I will be getting new tires on the car at 8 AM, then home to begin my "intensive learning curve" with the circular sock machine. ;)
This certainly is not the end of the photos, etc. that will be posted about my exciting (to me) journey with this machine. ;)
Your NZAK looks like a beautiful machine, Michael. You're going to have a wonderful time learning and cranking socks and scarves (and mittens, even-tually). Have a wonderful time at the next crank-in!
:Squee!!! Look at it! Can't wait to see your progress!
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