Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Photos of the History Museum and Magical History Tour"

On our last full day in Traverse City, Don and I went to the History Museum.  We'd bought tickets to go on a history bus tour organized by the Historical Society.

The museum had a Lego exhibit on display and thinking of our Grand Forks, North Dakota friends, Simon and Henry, who love Legos, I took some photos.

By the way, Traverse City does have 2 schooners that sail in West Bay.....

Our tour started with information about a house across the street from the museum that was built by the areas largest lumber baron, whose name I unfortunately, do not remember.  The house is now a funeral home......

Our tour group.......

And the Magical History Tour Bus......

1 comment:

Jeanne Engle said...

I love to learn about the history of other communities that we wander into, too. This coming Sunday we're doing a "History and Mystery Tour" at Old World Wisconsin. Should be fun.