Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"Barb and Don....."

Barb and Don had one of their "every once in awhile" get togethers after work last week. This is the time when they leave Geoff and me behind, either home or at work, so that they are able to chat and catch up.

One of their favorite places to meet is Brasserie V on Monroe Street. Brasserie V is known for their large selection of imported/good beers. Each has a specific glass in which it is served. Here is Barb contemplating her "Big Gulp". :)

"Beer Aficionado" Don with his choice for this round......

Both Don and Barb are both photographers.........as you no doubt would have guessed with these next few photos.

Growing up from a small soil area outside of the front door of Brasserie V was this little tomato. How unusual, eh?

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