Don and I had talked numerous times over a long period that we should have cards made that gave our pertinent info. He found this source that makes mini cards! They are perfect and have all of our info on the back. I'm not sure if enlarging the photo will show that or not.

I don't think I will put this into use this year, since I just planted Romaine Lettuce in the Aero Garden. I will have to plan its use for next year.

The 2nd package that Don had offered to let me open in the morning contained this little beauty! A WOOLEE WINDER!!!! It will replace the maiden on my spinning wheel and I will never have to stop and move my yarn to the next hook. :) This little guy automatically distributes the spun yarn across the bobbin, using gears that are built into it. I tried it yesterday by transferring all of the yarn I had spun onto a regular bobbin, to the new Woolee Winder bobbin. It worked Wonderfully! I will have more photos of it in a later entry.

Don, another sneaky move......He'd bought a cake and asked Lonny and Charlie to store it in the refrigerator for him until Friday night. That is Anna with her back to the camera.

Don sneakily taking the cake (that I was not supposed to see) into the house, while Copper looks longingly at the box knowing it is food. Barb talking to me and Andy sitting in the background.

Andy and Charlie..............

A great photo of Geoff.

My surprise birthday cake! It had mousse in it, thus the need to be refrigerated.

Andy, Benjamin, and Barb.

The delicious cake.....or what was left. :) It was so good the next day, too, when we had our afternoon coffee out on the deck.


I will not be posting anything for a bit. I leave in less than an hour to have my left knee replaced. :) Later, my friends!!!
Been thinking of you today and sending cyber hugs and healing wishes! Feel better soon!
Wow, that looks like the best cake EVER. I am drooling.
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