Sunday, August 5, 2007

"Pierceville, Stoughton, and Newville...."

Wednesday's training ride took us past the Pierceville Cemetery, where I took this photo at one of our stops. It was very hot that day and Don sent me home after this. :) He said he had about 20 miles to get home and thought I should go home from there, which I did. I didn't take Copper that day because of the heat. Luckily, I had been able to find shady spots for my stopping/waiting areas for Don. :)

These next 2 photos are from yesterday's training ride. Don's route to Newville, WI, took us through Stoughton, WI, where we happened to run into the ACT V riders. It was their lunch stopping point. We stopped to ask if Michelle and Libby had come in yet from the ride for lunch, but were told they were bringing up the rear, being the "caboose". The job of the caboose person(s), it to make sure that all of the riders get into the stopping points and no one is left behind......sounds like an educational program, doesn't it? :) So we were not able to see Michelle and Libby, but left word for them that we had stopped. Don has also been sending emails daily to the ACT V website for them. Emails are posted on a board each night at the final stop for the day, where riders are able to read them.

Riders coming in............

This lovely area was our lunch spot yesterday. It was at a bend in the road so that Don could spot me easily. :) It was sprinkling a little so I opened up the back hatchback of the car, set the chairs underneath it as much as possible, and we had a nice little picnic spot, even if it was slightly damp. :) Yesterday was not a good day for me with following the route. I had gotten lost or I should say "confused" about some of the route. I never did see Newville because of one of my "Oops" periods. I had planned on finding a park with a pavilion to set up lunch was not to be. :(

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