Friday, August 3, 2007

"ACT V......."

Don and I got up earlier than our "normal" 5AM yesterday.....4:30 AM, because we wanted to go to the opening ceremonies of the ACT V ride (6:15-7:00AM). This is the annual fund raiser for Aids research. We have 2 friends riding again this year, Michelle (actually Don's "boss") and her partner Libby, who has just recently taken a job in New Hampshire, and flew back to Madison to participate in the ride. If I am not mistaken, it was on this very ride (3 years ago?) that Michelle and Libby met. This year the ride is 4 days long, with yesterday's ride 70 something miles, and today's around 100 (from what we heard on the news last night). It is by no means and easy ride and people train for it all year long. It is a very well organized ride and there are many, many volunteers who "crew" and make sure everything runs like clockwork, taking good care of the participants. With the heat yesterday and predicting more of the same for the next few days, one of the main concerns for the riders will be to stay hydrated.

Michelle, Don, and Libby. As you can see by their bike shirts, this isn't their first ride. :)

Michelle beginning the ride........Don didn't realize that the same banner was being used for the riders "Welcome Home" ceremony. :) He felt he should have taken photos from the other side. :)

The symbolic "riderless" bike for victims of aids who are not with us any longer.......
The flower shrouded basket is from the doves which were set free to symbolize their returning home.....

A few of the bikes prior to leaving. Many more were added after this was taken as people arrived and unloaded for the 4 day ride.

The gathering of riders, crew, and well wishers for the opening ceremony.........

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