The process of rolling the ganache in crushed candy canes......

A close up the the finished truffle!

The holiday's seemed to be all about food for Maniphone, Jonathan, Simon, and Henry. ;) Maniphone made these little "stuffed" pancakes, using this new pan. A little pancake batter, some "stuffing" of left over ganache and bananas, a little more pancake batter, bake/fry(?), and "presto changeo", a little stuffed breakfast treat. Maniphone said it was like eating dessert for breakfast. Looks and sounds good to me! :)

Ringing in the New Year had the same theme.....FOOD! LOL The men of the clan are enjoying all of the special things that Mom/Maniphone gathered together for the New Years Eve Feast!

Ringing in the new year are from left to right: Simon (tipsy on too much food!), Maniphone, and Henry.

1 comment:
Thanks for the dedication! I have an itch to make more of those stuffed pancakes? Want to come over?
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