Don and Sheila. Sheila wearing both ornaments as ear rings.....

Then "Let er Rip" was brought out and the silliness began! We were laughing so hard I'm surprised no one had an "accident". ;)

Having it stick to my mustache was NOT part of the plan! :)

As Penny and Sheila were getting ready to leave, head gear began being tried on. The hat Sheila has on is called a Kufi, which I had knitted for Don as a prototype, but he wasn't totally happy with the way it fit. We all liked it on Sheila, and she seemed to think it was "OK", too, so it became hers.

Penny trying on my "Too Cold to Care" head gear under my hat. I think Penny would have been happy to wear it home, but I specifically said it was not being offered. LOL I knitted it for "self protection" when I use the snow blower. :)

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