Friday nights happy hour was a quiet one. We were delighted to have Angela wander over to sit for awhile, too! For those of you who are not aware of her due date.....it was last Tuesday....so she is definitely uncomfortable, and oh so ready for their son's birth.

Barb stopped by, bringing Koshi, her dog, to see how he reacted to our chickens, as she and Geoff hope to have chickens in their backyard by next Spring. The plan seems to be a "go", as he didn't react to them at all.
Here she is chatting with Andy and Rob.......

Geoff, "centering himself", prior to his performing his "Hip Hop" routine for his "Homies".....NO! I'm Just Kidding!!!! (not that he couldn't..... if he wanted to.....) ;)

Andy and Rob staring at Angela.....Rob had to remove his glasses to be sure of what he was seeing.......

As you can see by the look on my face....I, too, was a bit "taken aback" by the sight of Angela's exposed stomach. :)

Seems that many times we have something "unusual" happen at our happy hours......Friday night proved no different. :)
I'm a bit taken back with those pictures as well - I knew I was big but geez!!!!
Funny how we aways refer to that area as the stomach, in such situations. Clearly, it isn't. {BTW, exactly where the heck IS the stomach during these late months -- gotta be in there somewhere!?} AND NOW THE BIG NEWS, (I hear that) 'OCEAN ERNIE' IS HERE!! Wonderful!!!!!!! Congrats to A & A ! -g
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